and, this next one may sound silly to u but i did it... dont take racing lines around roundabouts/corners. when i started driving i LITTERALLY couldnt help it, i think im out of the habbit now tho.
i agree 100% with u becky, i try to tell people to crash me skillfully, spinning my back round, tapping me into a barrier so i roll, but then they just insult me and reverse into me.
i win quite alot on the banger servers and i crash MANY people, but i do it in such a way that i dont damage my own car. I hope in a banger league all of the racers would do the same.
its like when people just totally wreck u from miles back and loose half a lap themselfs. whats the point. when i say banger RACING they go mad, and i know alot of people who use this forum have cussed me about it.
i tell them this too, but they target me, insult me and sit in the track reversing into me when i pass by. i always try to tell them, its still racing, not wrecking.
its sad when people have to spoil the fun of people even on a race where u are meant to crash...
i went on there, and when sum1 was speedin i told em to 'stop mother****er' then when they didnt i chased them and fired them into the wall. (i was copper BTW)
they called me wrecker and said, i just chase... so when i catch them up, i just sit behind them?
pls could sum1 explain the rulings to this particular game
im not calling anyone a wrecker, every1 makes mistakes man!!! no problem atall. Im a little dissapointed at being banned but theres plenty more servers out there.
I was just asking whos fault it was, if it was mine i would be more careful in future!
i was racing on a server and i passed the admin, and he turned in on me, so he crashed. needless to say a lap later i was banned. What do u guys think? Watch onboard static_X's car and any other angle.
EDIT - From the above view i was well past, his front left wheel was next to my sidepod!
EDIT AGAIN - Maybe his FOV is such that he cant see me. I use 120
anyone weaving/blocking should be fired. they fire blockers in real life too, in saloon cars. It even says to fire them in a driving book called 'Speed Secrets' by ross bentley